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Participant from Money and Life Freedom Coaching batch 2 shared this in group.
My Experience-I had been going through a very rough financial patch..I should also admit that I had developed some misconceptions about money which had got attracted in my sub-conscious mind since quite a few years..
After a talk lasting for more than an hour with Ashishji I asked for forgiveness with Goddess Lakshmi & then started doing Positive Affirmations for Financial I got a cheque of Rs. 100000 from a guy who owed me money for 2 months..
Beauty is that he got his money on this tough time (Covid19 Situations) as well. A real magic.
-- Participant is Furniture manufacturer.
Participant from batch 1 shared this in group.
I am working hard on the new venture.. Desi Roti Shoti..
We are getting good response in Survey..
There is a demand for full meals.. So we are now coming up with Roti and Full meals..
We have appointed a Cook as well..
We have got very good cook..
The Best news is that we have booked 3 marriage orders this week.. Of course with the Govt Guidelines of Only 50 guests..
But still it's a big achievement for us.. I
am really getting busy.. And I experience that it's because writing Our Specific and Significant Goal of Life.. at least 7 times every day..
So it's really eventful and busy week for me...
I'm enjoying life and ALSO getting the confidence that my Life Goal is really possible..
And I am on the right track of Money And Life Freedom.................
--- Participant is Catering Business owner.