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The journey of Money and Life Freedom is very great, there is lot of realization on this journey, you would create a totally new life, the way you want with this journey.
One of our participants who is in Oil and Gas support business from Mumbai shared this.
Abundance means there is enough of everything for everyone. There is enough love, peace, bliss, and abundance in our life & everyone's life.
There is a natural flow of money, time, happiness & harmony, etc.
Its the divine order of the universe, or simply the law of abundance in nature.
The true meaning of this rule is "you naturally progress towards your higher potential and a better life, so long as you do not put blocks to your thoughts.
Imagine every human being is connected to the universe through a pipe.
Through that pipe, all the things he needs are flowing to him - health, wealth, love, joy, prosperity, etc.
The moment he harbour a negative thought, it is like placing a pebble in the pipe that disrupts the flow.
If more negative thoughts are put, then the pebble turns into rocks, stopping the natural flow.
The divine plan is nothing but the natural flow of abundance.
Success is natural, and all that has to be done is to allow oneself to unfold naturally.
One may ask, if this is true, then why there is so much poverty & misery on earth.
The secret again is thoughts.
If a child born in a poor family and harbour no negative thoughts, he will automatically progress towards prosperity & abundance.
He will attract the good things in life. This is one of the reasons there are so many rags to riches stories.
However, instead of thinking positively, impoverished people can't help but think of poverty more & more.
That's why it can be said that the poor get poorer while the rich get richer.