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How to change negative people around me?

Image credit:   "There are people with me, around me who are negative, how to deal with them?" - One Psychologist participant in our Money and Life Freedom coaching session asked today. She continued........ Sir! you say to achieve what you want in life, you have to be positive. How I can be positive if my environment is negative?" This is true with many people, isn't it? "If you are not happy with your environment then you have to change the environment, but it's not necessary to change people around you. Because every time changing people around you may not be possible." "What you mean? How it is possible? " -- She asked. "Yes, it's possible! and for the same you have to change, you have to change what topic you discuss with people around, decide when to be with them and when to leave them, you know it better than me, how you could." And with people whom you can leave, do that immediately.

Can I create life I want

Yes its possible, Read how Money and Life Freedom travelers are creating life they want.  Life is so beautiful.....I am living it on my own terms.... I am following my instincts and using it in full thrust. I don't care about anybody else's opinion/judgment. I am answerable to me only, not to anybody else. I  have let myself free and doing whatever conditions warrant by responding and not by reacting. The journey is everything ....destination is just end result. We are on a journey for most of our life, destinations comes and we start for another destination., but the journey continues............. So if nature / God has given a day to travel today it as if there is no tomorrow. The present moment is everything ..adding these present moments will make an hour....adding hours will make a day.. adding days will make a year....and adding years will make our life. So the present moment is everything...if I am living it to fullest then I am also living life to the fulle...

Can I become Wealthy by Chasing Money?

Image credit: In fact, chasing money will make you poor because the result what you will get by doing something is money. You can not have money without Doing something good for humanity for the universe. People who chase money, have the wrong destination, the wrong goal, if you are chasing money you will be ready to do anything for money, which can go way wrong for you. You may become Rich by doing wrong things but could not become Wealthy, wealthy is about becoming Rich and Happy at the same time.  Wealth is always created by not chasing money but having a vision and mission of life. Everyone has a specific skill in this world and every skill which you are born with is useful by someway to the universe and humanity. Understand that specific skill you have, hone that skill, and serve humanity with that, and in return, you will get money. Money is a result and not a destination. The number of people you serve will determine the wealth you could create. All the best ...

Realisation on Money and Life Freedom Journey

Image credit: The journey of Money and Life Freedom is very great, there is lot of realization on this journey, you would create a totally new life, the way you want with this journey.  One of our participants who is in Oil and Gas support business from Mumbai shared this.  Abundance means there is enough of everything for everyone. There is enough love, peace, bliss, and abundance in our life & everyone's life. There is a natural flow of money, time, happiness & harmony, etc.  Its the divine order of the universe, or simply the law of abundance in nature.  The true meaning of this rule is "you naturally progress towards your higher potential and a better life, so long as you do not put blocks to your thoughts. Imagine every human being is connected to the universe through a pipe.  Through that pipe, all the things he needs are flowing to him - health, wealth, love, joy, prosperity,  etc.  The moment he harbour a negative thoug...

Activate your Wealth Aspect in life.

Image credit: Rich and Happy greetings! I Don't want to give you philosophy, I want to give you an action plan if you follow this action plan you can activate your Wealth corner or we call it as wealth aspect in your life. The whole purpose of life is to live a fulfilled life in all aspects of life, Wealth is one of the important aspects to fulfill. To activate your wealth corner first thing to do is to come with your wish. How much wealth you want to accumulate in your life. IF there is no goal if there is no need you will not get any direction. For direction, it is important to have a Destination. Once you set goals which you want to achieve your direction will get clear and your mind will start working on that, Do it and you will get ideas.  Join the " Money and Life Freedom coaching " program to create great wealth in life. 

Passive income Trap

Image Credit: Passive income a Trap. There are many youngsters looking to create a passive income, it's not a good thing to look at when you are accumulation phase. Passive income is for someone who is in the distribution phase, at old age when you are retired. Those who focus on passive income during the accumulations phase face 2 destructive things. 1. Focus on passive income distract them from career path. (They want to become comfortable in life which is worst at the growth phase of career. - just look around you will find many such examples where people failed miserably in career and struggling help.) 2. The lure of passive income puts them in the trap of especially MLM or Direct marketing companies. (Keep in mind you can not generate the full-time income with part-time work.) in the Accumulation phase focus on Wealth Creation. There are few businesses that flourish because of this concept of Passive income and who invested majorly lost: MLM (Direct selling) a...

How I can Become Rich?

Image credit: Becoming Rich is easy in this world, its a scientific strategy, everyone in this world has the right and potential to become Rich and Happy.  One should know and work on it so it becomes possible.  Money and Life Freedom is a journey for everyone who wants to achieve all that he/she wants in life and doesn't want to settle with less. There should be a clear purpose - Why you want to become Rich The purpose of you becoming Rich should have something good for the world, universe. if you have the right reason to become Rich, your mind will support you. Once you complete the first 3 steps then you can move to the next step to tune your mind with the great purpose you have for humanity and the world. Now you have the support of your mind and you are tuning it, this is a time to build a strategy to implement your idea. the most important factor is, just thinking and planning will not help you, you have to implement your plan. Review and rework your plan...

Weekly progress

Weekly progress report on Journey of Money and Life Freedom .  Image credit : In the third week of my journey to Money and Life Freedom Coaching Program, noticeable achievement is, I have started writing my gratitude list on Money, Nature, God, family, friends, relatives, Earth, teacher, self, society, wife, books, internet, helpers, radio, house and many more to be listed. Positivity, Gratitude, and then Action (G+P+A) create the magic (M) in one's life. I am experiencing when I was writing my gratitude list. It gives me a feeling of contentment and satisfaction of what I have been offered by many persons, places, and things around me. Remarkably, when I am writing my Wishlist, Gratitude list, and daily 5 positive, inspired things. Those actions creating an impact on my subconscious mind. I feel more energetic and confident which was lacking before few weeks. Earlier my mind was fully blocked/chocked with nonsense and garbage thoughts which had no value or did not ...

Positive thinking is real? On journey of Money and Life Freedom

Positive thinking? What's that?  Image credit: by Wokandapix on There are many controversies on Positive thinking and there are many people who say - Oh! I don't believe in that, It Doesn't work for me? But do its true? Con you live without Positive thinking? Do you have Hope that, Something good will happen with you or your life is just a mess? and want to experience or prove to be right? Do you have expectations? DO you sleep an everyday night to wake up the next day? These all are examples of Positive thinking. YOu are still alive! a result of positive thinking. Do you agree with? Your views are welcome. On Journey of Money and Life Freedom , we tune our minds with positive vibes which ultimately results in Great Life.

Journey of Money and Life Freedom.

Sharing with you what MLF travellers write about learning and realisation about Money and Life Freedom Coaching program.  Photo Credit :

Magic is happening on Journey of Money and Life Freedom

Image Credit : Money and Life Freedom Travellers sharing Journey.  As sir was saying yesterday morning magic will happen wait for it. Today some really big magic happened in my life. As i was consulting with a patient today evening i realized that i said something about money  which was not adept to a millionaires mindset. I immediately called up Ashish sir and thru our conversation i got a major breakthrough. That i had some guilt about talking money and had some fear. I am purposely writing had  on past tense because that guilt and that fear is totally gone.  In Fact i even learnt how to tackle that guilt and fear permanently  We are all so lucky to be in ashish sirs mentorship. It's just the second week and for me magic has happened.. waiting for what's more in store. Thank you all for being a part of this journey with me. Thankyou ashish sir for your coaching. You brought a mirror in front of me, and that's the quality of a excellent coach. ...

Learning in Money and Life Freedom Journey.

image credit : What Money and Life Freedom (MLF) Travellers are learning in Money and Life Freedom Coaching program .  Today's session extracts 1) Universe is abundant,  there is enough for everyone in the world 2) all precious things are free of cost, and we take there availability for granted. 3) make abundance a part of life. 4) World has more money than anytime earlier, we get rich with people around us. 5) we need to have trust, 6) referring to the wish we have created earlier, we have to set a direction and do more than what we offer. 7) Questions should lead to a right answer,  ie right questions lead to a right answer. 8) Keep no other options other than success. 9) adding or doing  a bit extra makes us extraordinary . 10)ask question to ourselves everyday, what extra we did today. -- MLF traveller is in Business of IT services, from Pune. ************************************************************************* Hi all  Today's session is...

Weekly Life Goal Progress Report of MLFC traveller

Image Credit : Money and Life Freedom Coaching  program is bringing great experience for Participants. This week report:                I started sending my product in different cities crystal and bach flower remedies this week I send Indore, Mumbai, Pune and Delhi.   And through my products launching crystal Rakhis and frndship band for 7 chakras Rakhi ,  Success protection and for money πŸ˜‡πŸ™Œ I am more busy and happy now with my work. Every month I'm giving free live session yesterday I did Angel therapy session .  Today meet with RSS and Swachbharat  ppl  contribution my healing work volunteerly.  Completed my 1st Vision board batch successful. People calling me from different, different cities and want appointment now for tomorrow 1 from Surat , Raipur and bikaner . Happly giving services and people also following the remediesπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ Gratitude week and Happy wee...